Homework for the week of ...
Monday, February 10 to Friday, February 14, 2025
Religion - Confirmation
Mon. - study Confirmation Ques. #5-8 - quiz Thurs.
Tues. - study Confirmation Ques. #5-8 - quiz Thurs.
Wed. - study Confirmation Ques. #5-8 - quiz Thurs.
Thurs. -study Confirmation Ques. #9 - 12; finish Journal entry on Google ClassroomUnit 2: Who is Jesus?
Vocab. Workshop Unit 8B
The following homework format is used during a full week of school. If we have a day off at the beginning of the week, we will continue to follow the homework schedule in order but the days will not align - just pushed back.
On weeks when we are in session for four days, there will still be an assessment on the fourth day, but if there is a three-day week, the assessment will be given the following week and the date will be announced with notice.
Monday - write the definition and part of speech for each of the 10 words neatly and in cursive
Tuesday - write one synonym and one antonym for each of the ten vocab words
Wednesday - write each of the ten vocab words in syllables with stress marks 3x each
Thursday - study for the test on Friday
Grammar: Simple Solutions Workbook Les. 34-37; 38
Monday - study SS Les. 34-37 for quiz on Wednesday
Tuesday - study SS Les. 34-37 for quiz on Wednesday.
Wednesday - ----------
Thursday - complete Les. 38 - due Friday
Writers Matter:+ Work on the draft for ‘Bye, Bye, Bye’ poem and put it on Google Classroom under Writers Matter -due on Feb. 20
Public Speaking: review the ‘Preposition Song’ - beginning this week----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Writers Matter: The 'I Am From' Poem should have been recorded on Canva and uploaded onto Google Classroom two weeks ago; Work on the draft for the ‘Bye, Bye, Bye’ poem on Google Classroom under Writers Matter
Reading: 20 minutes each night - find your interest!